Quick Learnology


  • A major portion of the information received by a human from the environment is visual.
  • Processing visual information by computer is drawing a lot of attention by the researchers.
  • However, the choice of technique is often based on subjective, visual judgment
  • Hence, understanding Human Visual Perception
    The best vision model we have! Knowledge of how images for min the eye can help us with processing digital images.
  • Sensors are use to transform illumination energy into digital images.
  • Sensors are three types:
     Single Imaging Sensor
     Line sensor
     Array Sensor
  • When we multiply two images, we usually carry out array multiplication.
  • An operator is said to be linear if it satisfies the properties of additivity and homogeneity.
  • Image enhancement is the process of making images more useful.
  • The reasons for doing this include:
     Making images more visually appealing
     Highlighting interesting details in images
     Removing noise from images
  • FREQUENCY refers to the RATE OF REPETITION of some periodic event.
  • In imaging, SPATIAL FREQUENCY is the rate at which the brightness of an image changes with position in space.
  • High spatial frequencies correspond to rapidly varying, fine detail; low spatial frequencies correspond to slowly changing brightness.

In Mathematics , transformations are often used to move an object from a place where it is hard to work with it to place where it is simpler

  •  The goal of image enhancement is to process a digital image and make it more “suitable” than the original image for a specific application.
  • There are Two broad categories of Image Enhancement Approaches :   a )Spatial Domain methods  b) Frequency Domain methods
  • An image is denoted by a function f(x,y).
  •  Each element f(x,y) at location (x,y) is called a pixel.
  •  There exist some basic but important relationships between pixels
  • Sensors are used to transform illumination energy into digital images.
  • Image enhancement is the process of making
    images more useful.
    The reasons for doing this include:
    ➢ Making images more visually appealing
    ➢ Highlighting interesting details in images
    ➢ Removing noise from images