Quick Learnology

Application of Machines Learning in Banking and Securities

Usage of machine learning in banking sectors, AI in banking and finance, Fraud
detection, Customer data management, Personalized marketing, Rule-based and
machine learning-based approach in fraud detection, anomaly detection: ways to
expose suspicious transactions in banks, Credit Risk Analysis, Imbalance Data
Handling, Over Sampling and Under Sampling, SMOTE, Credit Card Fraud
Detection using different machine learning classifier, Case Study of Fraud
Detection (Review Research Papers: Discussion and Implementations)

Application of Machine Learning in Communication, Media and Entertainment

Widely used Machine learning in communication, media and entertainment, Real time analytics and social media, Recommendations engines, Collaborative
filtering, Memory-based collaborative filtering, Model-based collaborative
filtering, Content-based filtering, Hybrid recommendation systems, Deep learning
techniques on recommender systems, Case Study of Recommendation Systems
(Review Research Papers: Discussion and Implementations)

Application of Machines Learning in Healthcare and Life Science

Role of machine learning in drug discovery, different approaches of drug
discovery, deep learning methods for medical image analysis, Comparisons
between the architecture of different types of deep learning models, ML
applications in breast cancer diagnosis and prognosis, Case Study of Medical
Diagnosis (Review Research Papers: Discussion and Implementations)

Applications of Machine learning in Education

Advantages of machine learning in Education, Learning analytics, Academic
Analytics, Educational data mining, Recommender System in Education,
Personalized adaptive learning, Students classification algorithms, Review
Research Papers: Discussion and Implementations
Case Study of Sentimental analysis for student’s feedback using ML
Case study: Application of ML in predicting students’ performance