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Bootstrap Interview Questions and Answers

1.       What is Bootstrap?

Answer: Bootstrap is a free and open-source front-end web development framework that helps to create responsive and mobile-first websites.

2.       What are the advantages of using Bootstrap?

Answer: The advantages of using Bootstrap are:

•         Saves development time

•         Provides a consistent and uniform look and feel across the website

•         Helps to create responsive designs that work well on different devices

•         Provides a wide range of pre-built components and styles

•         Makes it easy to customize and extend the framework

3.       What are the different versions of Bootstrap available?

Answer: Bootstrap has two major versions available – Bootstrap 3 and Bootstrap 4. Bootstrap 4 is the latest version.

4.       What is a container in Bootstrap?

Answer: A container in Bootstrap is a wrapper element that contains all the content of a web page. It provides a fixed-width container for the content and helps to center the content on the page.

5.       What is the difference between a container and a container-fluid in Bootstrap?

Answer: A container provides a fixed-width container for the content, while a container-fluid provides a full-width container that spans the entire width of the viewport.

6.       What are the different types of grids available in Bootstrap?

Answer: Bootstrap provides a 12-column grid system. The different types of grids available in Bootstrap are:

•         xs (extra small)

•         sm (small)

•         md (medium)

•         lg (large)

•         xl (extra large)

7.       What is the role of media queries in Bootstrap?

Answer: Media queries are used in Bootstrap to create responsive designs that adapt to different screen sizes. They help to define different styles for different devices.

8.       What are the different types of responsive classes available in Bootstrap?

Answer: The different types of responsive classes available in Bootstrap are:

•         d-none (display none)

•         d-block (display block)

•         d-inline (display inline)

•         d-inline-block (display inline-block)

•         d-sm-block (display block for small devices and up)

•         d-md-block (display block for medium devices and up)

•         d-lg-block (display block for large devices and up)

•         d-xl-block (display block for extra-large devices and up)

9.       What is the role of the navbar component in Bootstrap?

Answer: The navbar component in Bootstrap is used to create a navigation bar that helps users navigate through different pages of a website.

10.     What are the different types of navbars available in Bootstrap?

Answer: The different types of navbars available in Bootstrap are:

•         Fixed top navbar

•         Fixed bottom navbar

•         Sticky navbar

•         Collapsible navbar

•         Vertical navbar

11.     What is the role of the carousel component in Bootstrap?

Answer: The carousel component in Bootstrap is used to create a slideshow of images or content that rotates automatically or by user interaction.

12.     What is the difference between a carousel and an image slider in Bootstrap?

Answer: A carousel is a component that can display any type of content, including images, while an image slider is a specific type of carousel that only displays images.

13.     What is the role of the modal component in Bootstrap?

Answer: The modal component in Bootstrap is used to create a pop-up window that can display any type of content.

14.     What is the role of the form component in Bootstrap?

Answer: The form component in Bootstrap is used to create different types of forms, including contact forms, login forms, and registration forms.

15.     What is the role of the badge component in Bootstrap?

Answer: The badge component in Bootstrap is used to display a small amount of information, such as the number of unread messages or notifications.

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