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Why Software Engineering most important ?

Evolving Role of Software

As per IBM report :

  • 31% of project get cancelled before they are completed
  • 53% over-run their cost estimates by an average of 189%  for every 100 projects , there are 94 restarts.

Factors Contributing to the Software Crisis

  • Larger Problems
  • Lack of Adequate Training in Software Engineering
  • Increasing skill shortage
  • Low productivity improvements

Some Software Failures

Ariane 5 

It took the European Space Agency 10 years and $7 billion to produce Ariane 5, a giant rocket capable of hurling a pair of three-ton satellites into orbit with each launch and intended to give Europe overwhelming supremacy in the commercial space business

Y2K Problem

  • It was simply the ignorance about the
    adequacy or otherwise of using only
    last two digits of the year.
  • The 4-digit date format, like 1964,
    was shortened to 2-digit format, like

The Patriot Missile

  • First time used in Gulf war
  •  Used as a defense from Iraqi Scud
  • Failed several times including one that
    killed 28 US soldiers in Dhahran,
    Saudi Arabia.

The Space Shuttle

Part of an abort scenario for the
Shuttle requires fuel dumps to
lighten the spacecraft. It was
during the second of these
dumps that a (software) crash

Computer Programs and associated documentation.

Documentation consists of different types of manuals are :

Software engineering is an engineering discipline which is concerned with all aspects of software production.
Software engineers should

  •  adopt a systematic and organised approach to their
  •  use appropriate tools and techniques depending on

              – the problem to be solved,
              – the development constraints and
              – use the resources availa

Software Characteristics :

Software does not wear out.

  • Software is not manufactured
  •  Reusability of components
  • Software is flexible

Comparison of constructing a bridge v/s writing a program :

Changing Nature of Software :