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Time Complexity of different types of Data Structures :

Data structures are how we organize and store data in a computer. The time complexity of a data structure is how long it takes to insert, delete, or find an element in the data structure. The time complexity of a data structure is important to consider when choosing which data structure to use for a particular application. 

Types of notations :

  • Big Oh Notation
  • Omega Notation
  • Theta Notation
  1. O-notation:  It is used to denote asymptotic upper bound. For a given function g(n), we denote it by O(g(n)). Pronounced as “big-oh of g of n”. It is also known as worst case time complexity as it denotes the upper bound in which the algorithm terminates.
  2. Ω-notation: It is used to denote Asymptotic Lower Bound. For a given function g(n), we denote it by Ω(g(n)). Pronounced as “big-omega of g of n”. It is also known as best case time complexity as it denotes the lower bound in which the algorithm terminates.
  3. 𝚯-notation: It is used to denote the average time of a program.

There are four main data structures:

  • Arrays
  • Linked Lists
  • Stacks
  • Queues.

The time complexity of each of these data structures are different. 

Best Case

Average Case

Worst Case

What do you mean by "Space Complexity" ?

Space Complexity is a term used in computer science to describe the amount of space required by an algorithm or program to run. It is usually expressed as a function of the input size.

For example, a program that requires O(n) space to run would need n units of space to store its input.

There are two primary factors that affect the space complexity of an algorithm:

  • The number of different items that need to be stored and the amount of information that needs to be stored about each item.
  • The number of items is usually a function of the size of the input, while the amount of information can be a function of the item’s key, value, or position in the input.

There are a few basic measures of space complexity that are commonly used:

O(1) – Constant space

O(n) – Linear space

O(n logn) – Logarithmic space

O(n2) – Quadratic space

O(n3) – Cubic space

O(2n) – Exponential space

The most common measure is O(n), which describes an algorithm that uses linear space.

For example: int consumes 4 bytes of memory.