Quick Learnology

What is Flutter ?

Flutter is technology designed by Google. It is a mobile SDK meant for designing high performance and high-fidelity mobile apps for iOS and Android using a single code. The application is free and open-source. It uses Dart language to create a flutter application. 

Understanding flutter versions.

Flutter was first release on December 4, 2018 and at first it only on run android devices. Constantly upgrading the application and by solving bugs the flutter team releases more and more versions. 

  • Flutter 1.0 

This was the first version of flutter released at the flutter live event on 4th December 2018 after being 9 months in beta release. 

It makes Dart 2.1 to come into existence which helps a lot in improving the speed and usability. 

  • Flutter 3.0.5 

It is the latest version of flutter released on 14th July 2022. Gradually improving by adding features and solving bugs